Upper School Robotics Team Cleans House at ACPS District Spin-Up Tournament

MVA’s Upper School Robotics Team cleaned house with awards at the ACPS District Spin-Up Tournament in Gainesville on Thursday, February 2. When qualification matches were finished, our B and C teams were first and second in the tournament!

Entering into the elimination rounds, our rookie team of freshmen – 19122B (Nathan Diaz, Johnny Drawdy, and Mitchel Voigt) claimed tournament champions after besting our own A team in the finals.

Our C team (Tommy Huynh, Ryan Liu, Roman Akellino, and Nishil Patel) secured the skills champion, as well. Skills is a one-minute match with only your robot on the field to see how well a team’s robot performs without competition.

Our A team (Annabelle Pasiecki, Isa Jones, and Ismael Ramirez) claimed the design award. The Design Award is presented to a team that demonstrates an organized and professional approach to the design process, project and time management, and team organization. The team’s Engineering Notebook and Judges’ interview demonstrates the team’s ability to produce a quality robot with minimal adult assistance.