Student Architects Bring Historic Home Designs to Life

In Mrs. Burrell’s Civil Architecture and Engineering class, Upper School students applied their knowledge of design elements and architectural features by building models of different house styles.

Drawing inspiration from her history lesson on Southern Colonies, Junior Gianna Dvoran designed a Southern Colonial style house from the 17th to 18th centuries using foam core for the base and roof and straws for the columns. Senior Jackson Ball, motivated by his mother’s love for ranch-style homes, created a model out of cardboard. Inspired by ranch architecture from the 1930s and 1940s, his model included a large porch, many windows, and an open floor plan.

To conclude the unit, the class will tour the Town of Montverde and study various houses in the area to gain a better understanding of the architectural concepts they have studied.

“I love offering students meaningful, engaging projects,” said Mrs. Burrell, “projects that ignite their interest in architectural careers and inspire them to see the world around them from a fresh perspective.”