Seventh Grade Students Turn Their Summer Reading Books into Creative Storyboards

Students in Mr. Mark Field’s seventh-grade English class dove into their summer reading graphic novel “American Born Chinese” by Gene Luen Yang and used the Story Board That program to create their own unique storyboards to breakdown and explore the complex plot. “I like how [the website] was very customizable with many characters and poses,” said Zachary Chiang, a seventh-grade student in Mr. Field’s class.

“The Story Board That program allows students of all abilities to create professional looking art,” said Mr. Field. “Some students are naturally inclined to drawing, while others find it difficult and even frustrating. I imagined something like this would give all students an even playing field to create something artistic while having fun! Students thrive when they have autonomy to create and express their own ideas, and they love to display their mastery of the material, especially with their peers.”