On Friday, May 17, Montverde Academy held its annual Baccalaureate ceremony for the Class of 2024. The Academy inducted 34 members into the Cum Laude Society. Of those 34 inductees, the average number of AP courses taken was nine, the average AP exam score prior to senior year was 3.5, the average cumulative GPA was 4.25, and the average SAT score was 1300. Fourteen of those inducted had been attending Montverde Academy since they were enrolled in the Lower School, and five of those inducted had been attending Montverde Academy since they were enrolled in the Middle School. The total amount of scholarships earned was $2.3 million.
Congratulations to the cum laude inductees of the Class of 2024:
Khaleel Rajab Abukhadrah
Connor Austin Aragao
Skyler Jane Barnaby
Muskaan Bisht
Cassidy Rene Burris
Lilia Chahim
Oliver William Dixon
Lily Louise Downs
Catherine Elizabeth Emilcar
Erica Cristina Finol
Rebecca Isabel Finol
Quinn Carole Fitzpatrick
Marco Franco
Eva Pearl Gaudette
Sophia Ainealem Gidewon
Ryan Liu
Jenna Ireland Meder
Yaqi “Jerry” Miao
Brianna Cristina Monahan
Anabella Munoz
Oluwadamilare Olasubomi Omotoba
Anyalis Iris Otero
Oliver Paul Paine
Arav Jigar Patel
Sophie Elizabeth Plank
Leonard Collins Polcaro
Georgia Laurel Ritchey
Nicolas Andres Rocha
Javier Alejandro Sarriera
Jeongin “Jin” Shin
Mellany Braga Wernek
Ningxin “Madeline” Xie
Amy Ann Zona
Sara Jean Zona