Middle School Clubs, Organizations

Through clubs and student organizations, our Middle School students explore common interests and find ways to engage deeply with their peers in purposeful work. These opportunities help students discover ways that they can make a difference to others, seek out areas where they can serve the school community, and serve as ambassadors of our school, representing Montverde in our partnerships with local and national organizations.

Through organizations like our Leadership program, Student Government Association, and Yearbook Club, students work on projects that directly impact the life of the school and the experiences of their Middle School classmates. Teams such as Robotics and Math Counts encourage students to build confidence in their skills while pursuing achievement as a group and as individuals. Our Middle School students who excel in both academics and citizenship may be invited to apply for membership in the National Junior Honor Society, an organization that cares deeply about student performance, leadership, and community engagement. Middle School students with a strong interest in service enjoy their work together in Builders Club, a middle school service organization sponsored by Kiwanis International, and students with a passion for the theatre can become members of the Junior International Thespian Society.

Engaging in the school community through these programs helps Middle School students cultivate a sense of pride and accomplishment, develop leadership skills, and discover activities they want to pursue in Upper School and beyond.