Mastering Success Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Over the past couple of weeks, Middle School students have been learning “How to Be Successful in Middle School” during their advisory period. Some of the lessons focused on helping students transition into the Middle School and teaching them how to use Canvas, communicate with their teachers, and stay organized.

Teachers have also been helping students to identify helpful places and people on campus, as well as facilitating activities to help build rapport and establish a connection with their students.

During one advisory period, students learned the value of effective communication through an activity where one student gave verbal directions to their partner on how to draw a particular design while the other student had their back turned. After much laughter and struggle, many of the students were amazed by how much their drawing matched the original.

Students have found these lessons to be incredibly beneficial. Michael Shane Frasure, a seventh grader, said, “The lessons have been helpful because they give me ideas about how to be successful. They help you be less stressed because you’re more organized and not worried about everything all at one time. We’ve learned to set reminders on our calendar on our iPads, which helps you be on time and on task.”