Celebrating Excellence: MVA Honors 55 Outstanding Students

At the Upper School Assembly on Wednesday, August 21, Montverde Academy, honored 55 students with Excellence T-shirts in recognition of their outstanding achievements in academics, the arts, and athletics. Both MVA faculty and staff, along with these students, will proudly wear their Excellence T-shirts to school on Thursday, August 22, to celebrate these remarkable accomplishments.

AP Scholars with Distinction

Camila A. Areinamo

Zoha Bajwa

Falysha Belvu

Estelle E. Bobilin

Christopher E. Cardwell

Ali Cheema

Tessa L. Connick

Joao Pedro Fortes Ribeiro

Vaasu Gadiparthi

Rishi T. Gandhi

Gabrielle T. Gordon

Elliott A. Gunasekera

Kristy Khadka

Matthaeus H. Lim

Leon Liu

Shuchen Lu

Gernitha J. Meus

Jacob Novis

Kaiden Palacios

Laven M. Parker

Sophie Ressler

Mackenzie M. Savage

Stella A. Seitz

Tyler C. Severs

Dimitri G. Tentomas

Superior Rating at the International Thespian Festival

Arianna Parrilla

Softball Champions

Nevaeh Williams

Luna Taboas

Elena Friedman

Emerson Gunkel

Gianina Vazquez-Massini

Lauren Mitchell

Leila Susaia

La’Breah Sands

Danika Spinogatti

Colby Reish

Brianna Kennedy

Track & Field State Champions
Boys & Girls

Kylee Brown

Ellise Dickinson

Jizelle Holland

Nakira Hudson

Dasia Reed

Julia Saelg

Angelica Wolfe

Dhamariah Williams

Jackson Balls

Lucas Coan

Ayden Henley

Will Moss

Miles Outerbridge

Grant Williams

Parker Simkins

Manuel Garzon Valderrama

Cape Verde Swimming Olympian

Jose Tati

Bahamas National Team Player (Soccer)
Debut at the World Cup Qualifying Games

Jordan Cheetham