Boarding School FAQs

Q: Candles: Can I have candles in my room?

Candles, incense, and open-flame devices are prohibited in all residence halls.

Q: Carpeting: Are the rooms carpeted?

The rooms in Arnold, McCammack and Koivu-Patterson Hall have carpeting.  Carpenter Hall does not have carpet in the rooms.  However, all dorms have carpet in the social areas.

Q: Closing of the Halls: Can I stay in the halls during break periods throughout the academic year?

Those who are asked by the Academy to stay on campus during a break period are the only ones who can be housed during times when the Academy is otherwise closed with proper faculty supervision (Winter break and Summer break). Plans for breaks are to be communicated by the dates set forth by the Dean of Students. Dormitories will remain open during Thanksgiving and Spring break with a fee of $100.00 per day/per student.

Q: Computers: Are there computer labs on campus?

There are five computer labs on campus.

  • A computer lab in the Media Arts building
  • Yearbook Lab in Fine Arts Building
  • Upper School Lab in the Upper School building room US13
  • Language Lab in the Gebauer Building
  • Lower School computer lab

Upper School students will receive an iPad during registration. Internet access is wireless and accessible throughout campus.

Q: Difficulties with Roommates: What if I am having difficulty getting along with my roommate?

Adjusting to a new roommate is a process that involves time and effort. First, we encourage you to try to talk with your roommate about any issues or concerns. If this is unsuccessful, then feel free to contact your Dorm Parent, Dean of Students, or your Prefect for assistance. Room changes are considered only after all other options have been exhausted.

Q: Early Arrivals: Is it possible to come to campus prior to the scheduled arrival time?

Only students required to be on campus by the Academy may return before the scheduled arrival date. We must adhere to this guideline in order to facilitate the completion of scheduled renovation projects, summer housing transition, and final preparation for students’ arrival.

Q: Housing Assignment Availability: When will I receive my housing assignment?

Students will learn of rooming assignment upon return to campus. Returning students will be given the opportunity to request his/her roommate for the following school year. There is no guarantee that this request will be fulfilled and it is expected the student and family will support the academy with these decisions.

Q: Items to Pack: What should I bring with me?

Depending upon your needs, the answer to this question may vary. However, below is an itemized list of items that current students suggest you bring or purchase upon arrival:

  • Backpack
  • Batteries
  • Bedding (extra-long twin sheets, blankets, comforters, and pillow)
  • Comfortable shoes and boots
  • Clothing (seasonal items including a winter coat and gloves)
  • Bathrobe and shower shoes
  • Desk lamp/study light
  • Dishes (coffee mugs, drinking glasses, eating utensils, etc.)
  • Entertainment needs (Books, reasonable stereo/radio, board games, sports equipment, etc.)
  • Basic first aid kit (for example: Band-Aids, Neosporin, etc.)
  • Formal and semi-formal attire (for special events)
  • Clothes hangers
  • Laundry supplies and basket
  • Lap Desk
  • Small memo or dry erase board
  • Appropriate pictures/posters – Inappropriate subjects include, but are not limited to: Drugs, alcohol, sex, etc.) – Pictures/posters containing the aforementioned material will be removed at the discretion of the Dorm Parent and/or Administration
  • Scissors
  • Sewing kit
  • Stacking crates, storage boxes
  • Stamps/stationery
  • Study aids/classroom supplies (dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, etc.)
  • Surge protector
  • Toiletries, including a small bucket to carry items to shower
  • Towels and washcloths
  • Umbrella
  • Wastepaper basket

Q: Shipping/Receiving: What address should I use for receiving packages/mail?

Make sure all packages/mail is addressed to you, and use this address:

  • 17235 7th Street
  • Montverde, FL 34756

Q: Laundry Facilities: Are there laundry facilities in the residence halls? What about ironing boards and irons?

Each residence hall has a laundry room for the residents of that specific hall. The school charges a flat fee at the beginning of the year for the students to wash and dry throughout the school year. Students are able to iron in the laundry room only.

Dryers are provided in the laundry room; wet clothing should not be hung in student’s rooms to dry.

Q: Maintenance/Cleaning: How are the dormitories cleaned and maintained?

Housekeeping services are not provided for student rooms, suites, private baths, or suite baths. Students are responsible for cleaning and maintaining these areas. All public areas and public bathrooms are serviced Monday-Friday, with limited cleaning services provided on weekends. Students are responsible for emptying their room trash in the designated area. Students will also be assigned daily chores to assist with the overall cleanliness of the dormitory.

Q: Mattress size: What is the size of the mattresses in the Residence halls? Is bedding supplied?

Mattresses in the residence halls are 36 x 79.5. These are longer than standard sized mattresses. Extra-long single bed sheets can be obtained in most department stores. Students are responsible for supplying their own bedding, including pillows.

Q: Meal Plan Assignment: Am I automatically assigned a meal plan?

All boarding students have access to the dining hall during scheduled meal times. Students are not limited to the number of times he/she may return to the food line for another helping.

Q: Personal Safety: What types of measures are taken to protect my safety?

The dormitories are locked during the academic day and at night. Upon closing for the night, the Dorm Parent will set the alarm. Students are to never be in a building on campus when faculty is not present.

Students are responsible for ensuring that their room doors are kept locked at all times. It is important for roommates to discuss the importance of keeping their possessions safe by keeping the doors locked.

The school also has an armed security guard on duty 24/7.

Q: Pets: Can I have a pet?

To preserve student health and safety, all types of animals (mammals, reptiles, fish, etc.) are prohibited in all Academy dormitories.

Q: Property Insurance: Does the college provide personal property insurance?

The Academy does not cover personal belongings and is not held responsible for misplaced items.

Q: Refrigerators: Are there refrigerators in the rooms?

Refrigerators are not provided in the rooms. Many students choose to buy their own refrigerators. Students should ask their Dorm Parents for information on securing a refrigerator. Often, this is an area where roommates might decide that one will purchase a refrigerator while the other purchases something else that could be used by both as only one refrigerator per room is permitted.

Q: Reporting Maintenance Concerns: How can I report maintenance concerns?

The best way to report a maintenance concern is to inform the Dorm Parent. It is important that students are as detailed as possible when reporting maintenance issues. Critical items to include are: the location, specific problem, and a contact number and name.

Q: Room Changes: Can I get a room change?

Room changes can be accommodated following the aforementioned specific housing guidelines after the first two weeks of each semester. Room changes are based upon availability and at the discretion of the Dean of Students.

Q: Roommate Selection: As a first year student, can I choose my own roommate?

No. We are a diverse community and work to integrate and introduce our students to as much of the world as possible. One way to accomplish this is to not allow students from the same country to room together. This will also encourage students to work on their communication skills.

Q: Single Rooms: Can I get a single room?

Montverde Academy does not offer single rooms. All rooms are set up to accommodate two and, if necessary, three students. The Academy reserves the right to assign roommates in each room.

Q: Residence Hall Student Leadership: What is a Prefect?

Prefects are senior student who work with Dorm Parents and students in the dormitories. Prefects fulfill a variety of roles. They are charged with: 1) helping students to form strong communities in the dorm and on campus; 2) acting as a resource to students with personal and/or academically related problems; 3) educating students through appropriate challenges as well as support of current values and beliefs; 4) positively shaping community behavior; and 5) leading by example in all areas.

Q: Telephones: What about telephones and long distance access?

Each lobby area has telephones. However, the student cannot call long distance without a calling card.

Q: Travel Home: Is there access to an airport or bus station?

Yes. There is access to Orlando International Airport and a bus station at a cost. Students must complete the transportation request form 72 hours before departure. Late requests could be denied or related costs may be significantly higher.

Q: What is the proper procedure for leaving campus for the weekend?

If transportation is required, students must complete the Boarding Student Transportation Request form 72 hours before departure. Please use your MVA credentials to sign in to use the form. For Friday afternoon departures, that would mean requests must be received by Tuesday afternoons. All students requesting weekend leave would need to submit an ORAH leave request before 11:00 PM on Wednesday. The Dean of Students Office will review all requests. Students and their guardians will be able to see the leave request decisions in ORAH.

Q: Are boarding students required to be vaccinated against Covid-19?

Yes, beginning in August of 2022, all boarding students at Montverde Academy must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 including the vaccine booster shot before living in residence in a Montverde Academy dormitory.

Q: Viewing the room: Can I come during the summer to see and/or measure my room?

Since our residence halls are being renovated or are utilized during the summer to house student employees, athletes, and summer conferences, it is not possible for students to see and/or measure the rooms. The Academy does not keep specific room dimensions.

Q: What is not allowed in the dorms?

  • Students are not allowed to bring large stereo speakers to the Academy. This presents a noise and space problem in the dorm. The Dean of Students along with the Dorm Parent will determine if the speakers are appropriate for the dormitory.
  • Computer monitors will be limited to 22” in order to adequately preserve space in the dormitory rooms.
  • Tobacco products or smoking paraphernalia are not allowed in dormitory rooms or on your person at any time. Violations will constitute a smoking violation.
  • Cooking equipment, heating elements, or cooking in rooms is not allowed.
  • All electrical appliances other than radios, stereo systems and clocks must have clearance of the Administration.
  • Possession of fire arms (including paint ball guns), fireworks, knives, clubs, chains, candles, incense, explosive caps, and/or inflammable fluids is not permitted.
  • Heaters and electric blankets are not allowed. Electric fans are subject to the approval of the Dorm Parent.
  • Selling or buying clothes or any other personal property among students is prohibited.

Q: Other Recommendations:

  • We recommend that students not bring expensive jewelry to the Academy. This will eliminate the possibility of losing or having it stolen.
  • Keep a minimum amount of money (less than $50.00 cash) in the dormitory.
  • Borrowing or lending money or personal property is discouraged. If you loan out personal property and a problem occurs with the item loaned, the problem needs to be handled between the parties involved.