MVA Junior Accepted into National Youth Leadership Forum

MVA Junior Accepted into National Youth Leadership Forum

Diana Sanchez, in her third year at MVA, was accepted into the National Youth Leadership Forum: Medicine Program. The NYLF is a nine-day program hosted at different universities across the country that provides students interested in the medical fields a chance to step into the shoes (and scrubs) of a physician and experience a medical career firsthand. Through an immersive hands-on career exploration program, students can test drive their dream job and develop real-world skills before entering the real world.

“I applied to the National Youth Forum of Medicine because I would be able to explore the medical world in detail and gain a better understanding of what is needed to study medicine,” said Diana, who is a junior. “It would also give me the opportunity to experience a real-life surgery, hear from different medical professionals, and learn about different medical career paths available to expand my knowledge and narrow down which career path I would like to explore.”

During the forum, students hear from guest speakers, participate in simulations to learn and practice medical techniques, witness a surgical broadcast, and more. Participants are exposed to new skills and concepts, build creativity and critical thinking abilities, present solutions, and more through the course of the program. Diana is deciding among programs offered in New York, Atlanta or Maryland.

With a father who is an emergency room doctor, Diane says she always wanted to be a doctor like him. “My father, William Sanchez, has always been my inspiration, which inspired me to work twice as hard in order to become successful. Classes such as Anatomy and Physiology Honors at MVA have given me overall knowledge of the human body and what doctors work with. Three years ago, I lost my grandfather to leukemia. This loss made me realized that I’ve always wanted to help people in need and pushed me toward pursuing a medical career. Because my father is an ER doctor, I’ve always wanted to become an ER doctor or a surgeon – I’m intrigued by the feeling of adrenaline and not knowing what crisis may be coming though those doors. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to explore the vast medical field and see if there is anything else that interests me.”


Congratulations on pursuing your passion Diana!