Math in Focus, the Singapore Method
Our math curriculum is Math in Focus, the Singapore Method. The Singapore method focuses on mastery of specific concepts at a very deep level.
Students learn equations or algorithms to reach an answer, and they also learn how the equations work. The goal of Math in Focus is to teach concepts so thoroughly that frequent review is unnecessary. We build skills, with each skill taught to mastery, much like building the foundation of a house, consistently layering on the “bricks” or concepts. The scope and sequence in Math in Focus is advanced and focused on preparing students for success in algebra and beyond. Consequently, algebraic thinking and expressions are introduced early and used frequently throughout the curriculum, which progresses through a specific and developmentally appropriate sequence from concrete to pictorial followed by abstract. Word problems, practical application problems and critical thinking activities draw on a wide range of mathematical knowledge. The Math in Focus curriculum truly challenges students to think much more deeply about mathematics.