Middle School Honors Night: Celebrating Excellence in Academics and Leadership

The Middle School Honors Night opened with a word from Mr. Troy Urquhart, Dean of the Middle School, about the breadth of student engagement that he witnesses daily. He spoke about how just that morning during Wednesday Assembly, students from the Speech & Debate Enrichment had participated in a teacher-student debate, several students had participated in a basketball game organized by the NJHS, two students had performed a violin duet, and members of The Planning Project discussed with students how a lavender ribbon can signify various types of cancer. There is no shortage of ways for students to engage in the Middle School.

Mr. Urquhart then introduced Sanvhi Gandhi, the Honor Council President, who delivered an energetic welcome to students and their families. Mrs. Emilie Fracker, Associate Dean of the Middle School, joined Mr. Urquhart in honoring students for their academic achievements. The Middle School faculty presented awards in Fine & Performing Arts; English Language Arts; Science, Technology, & Engineering; Mathematics; Physical Education; Social Studies; and World Languages.

Awards were then presented for Honor Roll and Citizenship. The Sons of the American Revolution Award was presented to Alyssa Diaz by Tim Donihi, president of the Lake-Sumter Chapter of the S.A.R.

The National Junior Honor Society Outstanding Achievement Award was presented to Sanvhi Gandhi.

Mr. David Bernatavitz, Dean of the Upper School, and Mrs. Kim Brauman, Associate Dean of the Upper School, announced the incoming members of the Distinguished Scholar Program and the ninth-grade Head of School Leadership Institute positions, including the Disciplinary Committee, Eagle Ambassadors, Honor Council, and Student Government Association.

The All-Around Sixth Grader Award was presented to Anabelle Wang, the All-Around Seventh Grader Award was presented to Charlie Anderson, and the All-Around Eighth Grader Award was presented to Meera Patel. The Dean’s Award was presented to Sanvhi Gandhi.

Mrs. Fracker introduced the new Master Teachers in the Middle School: Ms. Melissa Benner, Mrs. Joslyn Roberts-Judy, and Mr. Adrian Wright-Ahern.

The Middle School Teacher of the Year Award was presented by Mr. Urquhart and Mr. Hopman to Ms. Claudia Salazar, Spanish Teacher.

SGA President Torr Scelfo delivered a message to the eighth-grade class just before the slide show that featured memories from the eighth-grade class. These hardworking eighth graders were then presented with medallions and promoted to the Upper School before enjoying a celebratory cake with their class.

Congratulations to Ms. Salazar and to all award winners and graduates! It’s been a great year.