2024 Night for the Cure: A Middle School Perspective

By Meera Patel, NFC Middle School Leadership Booth Captain

At Montverde Academy’s 15th annual Night for the Cure, the Middle School held three booths, each offering different activities and items to the attendees of the event.

The Middle School Grill and Drink bar, hosted by the event management class, supplied hot food and drinks to students and parents all night long. Lucas Caltagirone, a student in the class, said, “Leading the MS Food Stand was a good experience. It was an extremely successful booth, and it was nice to learn how to run a booth.”

The Middle School Leadership Clubs, accounting for SGA, NJHS, Builder’s Club, Honor Council, and Leadership, held a raffle at Night for the Cure. At the booth, students were eligible to win several art supplies, athletic gear, or a PS5 Slim. Many eagerly spent their Night for the Cure tickets on the raffle, and in the end, Juliette Carillo won the art bin, Izzy Igua won the athletics bin, and AJ Jackson won the PS5 Slim. Izzy, after winning the raffle, said, “I am so happy that I won the athletics bin! All of the items will help me out with soccer practice!”

The Middle School Speech and Debate club hosted a Family-Feud inspired Trivia game. Students were asked a variety of trivia questions and could compete against their friends to see who knew more about the topic. Rowan Bayer, a co-founder of the Speech and Debate club, said, “There were some ups and downs throughout the night, but everyone had a great time and some good laughs!”

The Middle School booths were each a huge success at Night for the Cure and accumulated the highest number of tickets at the event!

Night for the Cure, each year, helps support those experiencing the effects of cancer, and with the support of the MVA community, we were able to raise funds to help the fight against cancer.